In this tutorial I'll demonstrate this using the following project: This project features a servletW, and since I run TomcatS W locally and deploy to Tomcat, I can use the Tomcat jar files in my build classpathW to compile the servlet. After that, I shall compile the javaSW files in the src directory and place the resulting class files in the bin directory. You do not need to select any technologies for the project, because the project is just a placeholder for the required libraries and an associated Ant script you will create in the next step: Your new application should now look like this screen shot: Figure 10 Application with new JDeveloperLibs project. In addition, at the time of this writing, there appears to be a bug in the Ant task for ojdeploy that prevents it from creating the application EAR file properly. Because you have set up the library references to be independent of the JDeveloper home directory, you can remove this line from the file. To do this, you will use the JDevLibsForAnt extension you installed earlier. In the Create Buildfile from Project dialog box, leave all the default options selected and click OK: Once you have completed these steps, you will see two new files in the Resources category for the Model project. Hi The easiest way I have found to create the Ant targets properly is to use Oracle JDeveloper to create the appropriate file (WAR or EAR) and then to unzip the file to have a look at the structure.

To do that, double-click theModel project to show the project’s properties and then select the Libraries and Classpath category in the properties window. How do I create a versioned jar file using Ant. The targets above are responsible for compiling our java classes and copying any other needed files over to bin. Source code in is licensed under the MIT License, read this Code License. Do you also have to add the jars to the project build path in Eclipse?

However, we are excluding the classes that end with the name Test. Finally, remove references to the JDeveloper home directory in jdev-libs.xml, by doing a global search-and-replace as shown here: Figure 16 ADF Model Runtime library definition. Create an Ant build script to create WAR/EAR files. If you run the Ant viewcontroller.compile target at this point, you’ll see that Ant gets a bit confused and doesn’t compile the files you think it should. Build files. The usage of Ant is demonstrated within Eclipse and from the command line. The 'clean-jar' target deletes and recreates the build directory.

You should delete all these path definitions, because they all point to the JDeveloper installation directory (be sure to leave the “classpath” path reference). You could create hand-coded scripts to do these tasks, but that would be quite tedious. While the compress attribute is applicable to the individual files, the keepcompression attribute does the same thing, but it applies to the entire archive. Advises Ant to overwrite files in the already built JAR file.

To do this, you can use Oracle JDeveloper to create a default build file and then modify the default file to suit your needs. Your blogs are simply amazing !!

To do this, modify the depends element in the viewcontroller.compile Ant target so that it depends on themodel.compile target. Just … Same as above, except the exclude files are specified using a pattern. First, in the file, change the name of the output.dir variable to model.output.dir (to avoid a name collision with output.dir for the ViewController project) and change the path reference as shown here: Next, add a variable called model.src.dir, like this: Do the same thing to the file for the ViewController project, so that it looks like this: Figure 37 for the ViewController project. * package. Thanks in Advance 5.4 Run the Jar file again, with logback.xml. You can read more about Ant in the online manual, the well-regarded print book Ant in Action and the many online tutorials you can find by searching the internet. After running merge JDevLibsForAnt, click the Refresh button in the Application Navigator to see the jdev-libs.xml file that was created. In the model.compile target, change the destdir property of the javac element (variable name changed): 5.In the model.compile target, change the path property of the src element (use the newly defined model.src.dir variable): 6.

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