Sure enough, back on Titan, we see nearly all of the Guardians turn to dust, except Nebula. No Timothée Chalamet. Of course this is from an out of universe perspective and about The Infinity Gauntlet comic run that The Infinity Saga draws from but it helps understand it a bit more I think. With that, he finally snaps his fingers and, just like that, erases half of all life in the universe. So some kind of initiator is needed. Possibility: Using the individual powers of the stones - even in combinations - to change reality or affect time... that's not the same as using ALL the stones to use THE ultimate power - perfect control of the universe. It can create entirely new universes. Or was that Thanos' choice?
Not sure when I'll ever be in a situation that calls upon this but you can bet that's how I'll do it if I'm ever snapping half of humanity out of existence. Shouldn't it look steady with a 38kHz carrier frequency? For the same reason that computers have Enter keys, and SQL has the GO command.

Responding to the Lavender Letter and commitments moving forward, Favorite Question and Answers from Third Quarter 2020.

How/when can a doctor say that someone will no longer transmit Covid? Mentioned by McFeely in an interview revealed. This being a comic book movie, we perhaps shouldn’t think too much about it, but one Reddit user has done exactly that and put together a rather interesting diagram explaining how he believes the Stones work together to enable Thanos to commit such a devastating act. Why is Thanos so tough at the beginning of “Avengers: Endgame”? In fact we've seen Thanos use the Gauntlet without making a fist before, for example, when using the Power Stone in Avengers: Infinity War. The Infinity Gauntlet was a powerful Dwarven-made Uru glove that was designed to channel the power of all six Infinity Stones.

It’s believed that Earth’s Mightiest Heroes will be using a bit of time travel to right the villain’s wrongs and bring back their friends. I believe any action you do with your hands doesn't really matter, controlling the Infinity Stones and so the Infinity Gauntlet appears to be more down to mentally doing so rather than any gesture. How did this affect Thanos and Hulk differently? I haven't seen the 2nd movie but he didn't snap until he had ALL the stones (unless I'm mistaken). Thor attempts to stop him with his Stormbreaker axe, of course, and it looks like he succeeds, but Thanos mocks him by saying he should have gone for his head instead. Worth adding the appropriate panel from Infinity Gauntlet (#2) (1992); I was going to comment that same picture since the snap is mentioned here but looks like @Valorum beat me to it. Then again, if what we’ve heard about Avengers 4 is correct, Thanos may not be able to bask in his glory for long. Remote's IR signal viewed in my phone's camera is flashing.

You thought one universe-shaking snap was bad in, It’s literally so powerful that it can do anything, like take away half the population or bring them all back.

I was really hoping it would have been jazz hands or finger guns. The Real Origin Of Doctor Who's Timey-Wimey Catchphrase, Star Wars Reveals How Luke Discovers Darth Vader's Real Name. How could the crew on a small spacecraft (6 people) on an isolated long (10yr) mission remain productive and harmonious? What does this inscription on the Infinity Gauntlet mean?
What are the "18 rescue missions" on Apollo 11, and which 10 of them did Michael Collins not feel comfortable with?

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