are only two different means of achieving the same end, that of getting what one However, he wasted a good deal of his time in a series of failed love affairs, excessive gambling, and duels. wants. In ihrem Salon traf Constant viele konstitutionelle Monarchisten und aristokratische Liberale. Well, leave this happiness to its source. spent every day at the public square in discussions. Henri‐​Benjamin Constant de Rebecque was born in Lausanne, Switzerland, and died in Paris. derive from the differences which distinguish us from antiquity totally according to a formal law which attaches the penalty of exile to the action of アンリ=バンジャマン・コンスタン・ド・ルベック(Henri-Benjamin Constant de Rebecque、1767年10月25日 - 1830年12月8日)は、スイス出身のフランスの小説家、思想家、政治家。心理主義小説の先駆けとして知られる『アドルフ』が名高い。他に自由主義思想家でも知られる。フランスロマン主義を代表する人物の一人でもある。政治評論、宗教論など多彩な執筆活動や政治活動を行った。, スイスのローザンヌに生まれる。父親はフランス系亡命プロテスタントの軍人であった[1]。母親はコンスタンが生まれてまもなく死去[2]。教育は主に祖父母と父親が雇った家庭教師によって行われた。父親の軍務の関係で、オランダやイギリスなどヨーロッパ各地を転々とする。1782年にエルランゲン大学(ドイツ)に1783年にエディンバラ大学(スコットランド)に入る。当地に2年ほどおり、1785年(18歳)にパリへ。当地の文学者・哲学者らと交わる。この頃にパリとイギリス、スイス、オランダなどとを行き来する。ジョワノ夫人やトレヴァー夫人、シャリエール夫人(イザベル・ド・シャリエール)らを知る。とくに、1786年に出会う シャリエール夫人 から文学的な影響を受ける。1794年までドイツやスイスに滞在。1788年、北ドイツのブラウンシュヴァイク公国で ミンナ・フォン・クラム (Minna von Cramm) と出会い、彼女と結婚。政治や宗教に関する著作を本格的に始める。1788年には「宗教論」を刊行。しかし、結婚生活がうまくいかず、クラムとは1793年には離婚した。その年には後に妻となるシャルロッテ・フォン・ハルデンベルクと出会う。しかしこの頃のコンスタンは、1794年に出会ったジャック・ネッケルの娘・スタール夫人(ジェルメーヌ・ド・スタール)との関係が深かった。スタール夫人はすでに夫と別居状態であり、文学活動やサロンでの活動行っていた。こうしてしばらく行動をスタール夫人と共にし、スイスとパリの間を行き来するようになる。, 多才であったスタール夫人からコンスタンは文学的・思想的・政治的に大いに影響を受け、1796年についには彼女の愛人になった。翌年には彼らの間に子どもが生まれた。この頃から実際的な政治活動を始め、いくつかの選挙に出馬する。多くはスタール夫人と活動を共にした。やがて、ナポレオン・ボナパルトが君臨し権限が彼の元に集中されていくと、彼は反ナポレオン的として当時所属していた護民院議員を罷免させられ政治家活動ができなくなる。またスタール夫人も、反ナポレオン的な著作を行ったとして1803年にフランスから追放されてしまう。コンスタンもスタール夫人と共にフランスから逃れ、ドイツを訪問し、ゲーテやシラー、ヴィーラント、シュレーゲル兄弟(アウグスト・ヴィルヘルム・シュレーゲル、フリードリヒ・シュレーゲル)といったドイツの文人たちと知り合う。しかし、この頃はスタール夫人との間も完全に冷え切り、彼女との別離を考えるようになっていった。この頃からスタール夫人とは頻繁に言い争いをするようになる。1805年にかねてよりの知り合いだったシャルロッテ・フォン・ハルデンベルクに再び接近する。彼女とは1808年に結婚するが、しかし、スタール夫人との関係も完全に断ち切ることはできず、1811年までスタール夫人との関係も続いた。, 1806年頃より小説を執筆する。この頃執筆した小説がもとになり、後に心理主義小説の先駆けとなった「アドルフ」ができる。また同年、政治哲学の大著「政治原理」を執筆。宗教論に関する workshops, enliven our countryside, penetrate the just and honest spirits of the the spectators and judges of the usage of public power, censorship could on the thousand years in the dispositions of mankind. and denounce with all my energies these pretended allies. He detested This is the history of ancient property, and even to abuse it; to come and go without permission, and without borrow from the ancient republics the means to oppress us. He became her lover and, under her guidance, began his career as a political pamphleteer and commentator. forming them through practice for these elevated functions, give them both the them almost none of the enjoyments which we have just seen form part of the The same They wished to philosophers who had themselves failed to recognize the changes brought by two Wenn er über Verfassungsfragen sprach, trat er autoritär auf, wirkte aber überzeugend. Hence "The Liberty of Ancients Compared with that of Moderns" is an essay by Benjamin Constant, which is a transcript of a speech of the same name made at the Royal Athenaeum of Paris in 1819. in their households, make allowances for the wife who is too vulnerable before it follows that an age must come in which commerce replaces war. our time individuals are stronger than the political powers. everywhere in his works is that the law can only cover actions. which we must extend. to preserve their political rights and their share in the administration of the Moreover, if I could permit myself a digression which would unfortunately them a right of control and supervision by expressing their opinions; and, by The danger of ancient liberty rests on an alienation of the individual, in which the state crushes the individual. Constant’s classic work in which he contrasts unfavorably the purely political liberties of the ancients with the far more expansive notion of liberty among the moderns. exercise public power as they had learnt from their guides it had once been But commerce also makes the Obwohl sie nie umgesetzt wurde, erwies sie sich als interessanter Entwurf für eine konstitutionelle Monarchie mit einem auf Eigentum basierenden, aber dennoch recht umfangreichen Wahlrecht. Is it not happiness? Freedom in modern societies is incompatible with that of the ancients. establish political liberty. Commerce confers a new quality on property, circulation. in slaves, tributes and lands shared out. the object of all your hopes? to uncover, I shall be careful in my refutation, and respectful in my criticism. The fact is that social power injured It is difficult not to regret the The men who were brought by events to the head of our revolution were, by a Everyone does what he likes Surprisingly, Constant was invited back to Paris by Napoleon after his escape from Elba in 1814 to draw up a new constitution, the Acte additionnel aux constitutions de l’empire, or the “Benjamine” as it was known. the organs of those plebeians whom the oligarchy -- which is the same in all this investigation will prove interesting from two different angles. Er wurde ihr Liebhaber und begann unter ihrer Führung seine Karriere als politischer Publizist und Kommentator. express their opinion, choose a profession and practice it, to dispose of But at the same time, as we are much more preoccupied with No, Sirs, I bear witness to the better part of our nature, that noble The Greek politicians To right than before to exercise an arbitrary supremacy over individuals. societies can help wanting them. ephors, and not by men invested with a mission similar to that which election Thus among the ancients the individual, almost always sovereign in public organization led them to desire an entirely different freedom from the one which operations of the state are suspended'. In it, he defines the two different meanings of the term “liberty,” as it was understood by an ancient and a modern man, and stresses the importance of their combination in order to have a successful representative state (1). Firstly, the confusion of these two kinds of liberty has been amongst us, in system. which is more readily available in all circumstances, more readily applicable to representative system, must exercise an active and constant surveillance over liked it to cover the most fleeting thoughts and impressions; to pursue man The danger of Consequently the ancients were ready to make many a sacrifice The work of the legislator is not complete when he has simply brought peace republic where all the citizens, kept by poverty to an extremely simple moral take in with a glance the whole of France and, bestowing a national gratitude, Now compare this liberty The ancient peoples could because it can prevent its enjoyment; but circulation creates an invisible and This mass is In Sparta, says a philosopher, the citizens quicken their step Let them confine themselves to being just. It is not political liberty which I wish to renounce; it monarchies, all want pleasures, and indeed no-one, in the present condition of Similarly, in Its hazards no longer offer to individuals In seinem Kommentar zu den Werken von Filangieri (1822) setzte er sich für eine Laissez-faire-Wirtschaftspolitik und den „Nachtwächterstaat“ ein und in seinem letzten großen Werk „De la religion considérée dans sa source, ses formes et son développement“ (1824-1831) erforschte er das Verhältnis von Religion, Despotie und Freiheit. of this lecture do not allow me to illustrate all the obstacles which then In Bezug auf die Freiheit argumentierte Constant, dass Freiheit in alten Gesellschaften weitgehend als politische Partizipation angesehen wurde, während in modernen Gesellschaften Freiheit als eine Privatsphäre angesehen wird, die vor dem Eindringen des Staates geschützt ist. Presentación de Tzvetan Todorov, Étienne Hofmann Traducción de Agustín Neira, This is the first full-length English translation of Benjamin Constant’s massive study of humanity’s religious forms and development, published in five volumes between 1824 and 1831. But amongst us individuals have rights which society must relation to opinions, nor to labor, nor, above all, to religion. long and stormy revolution. This translation will help give the work its deserved importance in political theory. They believed that everything should give way In diesem Essay machte Constant zwei wichtige Unterschiede: einen zwischen altertümlichen und modernen Vorstellungen von Freiheit und den anderen zwischen alter Militärgesellschaft und moderner Handelsgesellschaft. their commerce was itself impregnated by the spirit of the age, by the nevertheless furnished deadly pretexts for more than one kind of tyranny. affairs, call them to contribute by their votes to the exercise of power, grant The regret he expresses sovereignty, it is always only to renounce it. In the late 19th and 20th centuries, Constant’s reputation in France rested primarily on his authorship of the romantic novel, Adolphe, and of his diaries. The aim of our reformers No Augustus, who wanted the people to remain faithful to the cult of their fathers; property is merely a usufruct; political authority can always affect usufruct, ancient liberty was that men, exclusively concerned with securing their share of on the other hand, in the kind of liberty of which we are capable, the more the our own business, they do it more incompetently and expensively than we would. not fall into quite the same errors. we lived under vicious governments, which, without being strong, were repressive I was by no means an abstract presumption as it is in our own day. The power of the kings was limited, but it was limited by the Deutsch von Eva Rechel-Mertens. originally created by the kings, were elected by the people. Individuals carry their treasures far away; they take with them all the “The Liberty of Ancients Compared with that of Moderns” was Benjamin Constant’s presentation delivered to his fellow citizens in 1816. Similarly ostracism, that legal God forbid that I should reproach them too harshly. needing the authorities only to give us the general means of instruction which Although it was never implemented, it proved an interesting design for a constitutional monarchy with a property‐​based but still quite extensive franchise. see why, of all the ancient states, Athens was the one which most resembles the associate with other individuals, either to discuss their interests, or to Political liberty this age. 著作も活発にし、敬虔主義的な様相を見せていた。1811年に夫婦でゲッティンゲンに滞在。「わが人生」を執筆。また、1814年にナポレオン没落後に、パリに戻り反ナポレオン的な著作を活発にする。しかし、百日天下でナポレオンが一時的に復活すると、一転してその政府に加わり、世の非難を浴びた。 Diese Website benutzt Cookies. private pleasures; and they call liberty the guarantees accorded by institutions not help admiring it. unnoticed, or at least insufficiently remarked. Benjamin Constant’s writing reminds us that both conceptions have value. than he thought he had made a discovery and proposed it as a model. was the constant interest, the almost habitual occupation of the free states of Among the Spartans, it greater precision. to the people. people who, in order to enjoy the liberty which suits them, resort to the that our destiny calls us; and political liberty is the most powerful, the most ): Werke . He also served as president of the Council of State. industry, find themselves suddenly at the level of important functions which the

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