But, things turned around this summer. An inhibited range of motion – It may be painful to move the head in certain ways, or you may even lose some mobility if the C1 is out of place. This procedure is based on scientific and bio-mechanical principles. If you untwist a rope in the center and let it go, the rope will go back to the twisted position. All of this began as I said after the accident and at that time I had two pre-teen sons, was married living in a 2500 sq/ft home working full-time as a legal secretary/real estate paralegal and part-time as a Ballet instructor. If you’re suffering from lower back pain you’re not alone. If you or just about everyone you know is dealing with one or more of these issues, it could be because atlas misalignments are very common and often go undetected for years at a time. D’Amato my body finally feels relaxed and well! You may discover that this chiropractic subspecialty is the answer to a chronic health condition you have been dealing with. on What Is an Atlas Realignment Procedure? tween stress in the atlas and your energy being projected into the future/having a fear of the future which can also manifest as overwhelm or anxiety. After years of suffering through daily headaches, countless doctor visits and medications, I took the advice of a friend and went to Atlas Chiropractic. Neck Pain is usually caused by bony misalignments, decreased joint mobility, and irritated nerves, which can also result in strain or spasm of the muscles of the neck. Not only is the brainstem in charge of things that occur subconsciously (like breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, etc. I have also felt a decrease in my neck pain and tension.

This subluxation (out of alignment position) of the atlas bone can lead to a wider range of discomfort and disease within the body that becomes increasingly exacerbated over time. This is unlike any other area region in the body.

Pay attention to sensations in your body. I often use this technique when I’m lying in bed unable to sleep, thinking of everything I have to do! This is a serious threat, as many people associate the lack of pain as a sign of health. Car accidents, sports injuries, or slip and fall accidents account for many of the head or neck traumas that result in upper cervical misalignments. Enjoy the side to side sway of its subtle motion, noticing restriction or asymmetrical movement. Click Here To Learn More. Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic, an upper cervical chiropractic technique, is a way of healing that can help restore the body’s balance and promote an ideal state of well-being. Within two months of receiving Chiropractic care, I have experienced a marked improvement. Click Here To Learn More. The top bone in the neck is sometimes referred to as the atlas. Every patient has an angle specific to them. The Atlas is the first bone in the spine, located at the base of the skull. The goal of the Atlas Orthogonal adjustment is to realign the misaligned atlas bone to an orthogonal position. d3cp_appt_source = 'New Site'; //Optional. The Atlas is a 2 oz. Thank You. Cervical spine complications secondary to motor vehicle accidents is a prominent area of long-term complications despite having received treatment. There are seven vertebrae that make up the neck, but this one does more than 50% of the work when it comes to being able to move your head and see what is going on around you. The atlas, or 1st cervical vertebrae, has a natural movement which can become restricted or unbalanced. Since I began my first treatment I could feel a difference immediately; Not only with my headaches and back aches, but my overall well being and health. Restricted blood flow – Throwing off the alignment of the neck means that the arteries don’t have their normal clear path through the vertebral foramen. All content and materials including research papers, case studies and testimonials summarizing patients' responses to care are intended for educational purposes only and do not imply a guarantee of benefit. When this happens, you may feel burning, numbness, and tingling effects from the nerve, as well as symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, facial pain, sinus pain, allergies, and a multitude of other symptoms due to the lack of blood supply to and from the brain. You might say the Atlas bone is the leader of the spinal column. I am also dancing again with my church’s dance ministry that I co-lead. I had tried chiropractic, physical therapy, massage therapy and pain management but never achieved lasting pain relief. This can result in neck pain, but also shoulder pain, back pain, and pinched nerves anywhere along the spine. When the Atlas bone becomes subluxated, it often chokes the artery that provides roughly 75% of blood flow to the brain as well as local nerves and nerves that go to the entire body! This technique is a painless and safe upper cervical chiropractic spinal correction of the atlas bone that restores a person’s balance and stimulates the natural-healing capabilities normally present in the body which results in the amazing byproduct of pain relief and greater function. D’Amato and staff are wonderful; I only wish the office was open 2:00 PM everyday (or at least twice a week).

Once diagnostic imaging is used to pinpoint the exact location and degree of the misalignment, then a custom adjustment is calculated to meet your personal needs. It is also of vital importance because it has major arteries as well as nerves passing through it. Any misalignment can inhibit proper blood flow and keep the brain from getting the precise amount of oxygen required for optimal performance. We will answer all of these questions and more in today’s article. The Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractor will take two post x-rays to confirm the proper adjustment was administered and the patient will be on their way with the restoration of health into their system. Ronald and Christa D'Amato are board certified in the A.O.
Your request has been sent to our appointment desk, and we will confirm your appointment shortly. Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Treatment aligns the spine, which restores your natural balance and allows the body’s nervous system to keep its lines of communication open. Notice how if the communication lines between the brain and body are impeded, the brain cannot properly control the endless functions of the body. But just how much havoc can one little bone create by being out of alignment? The Atlas has the most range of motion of all the vertebrae, making it most susceptible to misalignment.

The content and materials provided in this web site are for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended to supplement or comprise a medical diagnosis or other professional opinion, or to be used in lieu of a consultation with a physician or competent health care professional for medical diagnosis and/or treatment.

According to Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Technique practitioners, the problems don't stop there, however. It’s also helpful if you’re feeling overwhelmed with too much to ‘do’ or you just can’t get on and complete things.

Upper cervical chiropractors specialize in identifying and correct misalignments of the atlas. But is balancing the head that important of a role? Range of motion of the head – The atlas is responsible for more than half of the range of motion of your head. Sitting at the top of the spine, it is like the steering wheel. How to adjust your own Atlas vertebra. Drs. The consequences of an atlas subluxation are related to the functions it performs. Since I began treating here I have gotten off all the prescription pain medicines and am now successfully in my own business as a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant. This is a gentle but very effective technique for neck pain and restricted neck mobility from a misaligned atlas vertebra. However, if you untwist a rope from the very top and let it go, the entire rope will hold in the straightened position. Reduced brainstem function – A fraction of a millimeter can take the atlas from protecting the brainstem to applying pressure to it.

The spinal cord passes through this bone before any other. Then there is also the wear and tear that comes from office work, manual labor, or technology overuse. The Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Technique is a specialty within the chiropractic field. The goal of the Atlas Orthogonal adjustment is to realign the misaligned atlas bone to an orthogonal position. Whether you sleep with your neck twisted or move your head a lot for work, you may be at risk for a misalignment.

This is because it balances the head the way mythology says Atlas carried the world on his shoulders. It is the expertise of board certified Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractors to specifically and gently deliver an adjustment with use of the Atlas Orthogonal Table Mounted Precision Adjusting Instrument.
The technique is taught in more detail in the Spine Alignment & Body Intelligence workshop, but here is a simple version you can try yourself.

The technique is taught in more detail in the  Spine Alignment & Body Intelligence workshop, but here is a simple version you can try yourself. See Instructions. In the adjusting head of the instrument, there is a solenoid that strikes a stylus.

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